August 26, 2015


Well, in the last two and a half weeks, Internet,  I have had more than 12 job interviews! Seem like a lot? Well - I was the applicant for only two of them, for the rest, I was the interviewer! 

My first one was to gauge my interest in a project, and the other was a full-on, whole she-bang interview. For my next batch it was several interviews for my Bonds job - getting Christmas casual staff at group interviews. This is the second year I have done this and I love it - though I am just a casual minion, I get to do cool things like stay in hotels when away to open up new stores, and also help out the HR department, and I love it. Meals on the company? Hell yes. 

How did they all go?

Well, I am happy to report that the Christmas casuals are going to KICK ASS and hopefully some of the talent will stay on in the business past Christmas! The job where my interest was being gauged is dependant on the outcome for the position that involved a full job application, and now that it is Wednesday I can now tell you that...

...I haven't gotten a call yet.

I am nervous, excited and optimistically hopeful that I will hear something by the end of the week, but here's something for you to chew over, friends... I think that if neither of these opportunities bring employment, I may have to shelve my search until next year. At the end of November, I am marrying my best friend and fiance, Steve. This is, obviously, super exciting and requires a lot of organising. I have decided, internet, that given there is so much involved in that, and the casual work at Bonds will continue to flex upwards towards Christmas including more work for HR, that to continue adding all this together and search for jobs would send me bonkers, not to mention the rejection is pretty hard to take, and from now until the end of the year, I really want to focus on being happy and not put so much weight on my self worth being tied up with my ability to find a job. 

Is this something you have ever decided or faced, internet? It is a difficult thing to do because I have invested a lot of time this year into looking for jobs, and to shelve the search until Janurary would mean I would be up against even more graduates next year (although this hasn't been the issue this year, it has been me against more qualified applicants!). 

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