May 04, 2015

Q&A with... myself

So Sarah....why start a blog about your job hunting experience?
Well, I've been looking for a while, and I figured I would approach this the same way some people approach dating. Many people, instead of waiting for their perfect match to come along organically, put themselves out there online. While there is Linkedin (and I'm on it!) there isn't really a eHarmony or Tindr equivalent for job seekers! Swipe right on me employers! I also figured this might be an edge to put me ahead of the competition, and by combining the blog with a social media strategy including Twitter and Facebook, I am hoping to boost my exposure as a new candidate.

What sort of job are you looking for?
I want a job in an organisation which is doing good in the world, and in the community, by improving peoples health, be it physical, mental or social. I want to work at an organisation that matches my enthusiasm and energy and channels this into excellent health outcomes. Given there are SO many titles someone in public health can have, I'm most likely looking for a 'Project Worker/Officer' position.

What sort of employee are you?
A bloody good one. I work hard, efficiently and to a high standard - and I love a laugh. I treat my current position as an audition for a cooking show with many 'here's one I prepared earlier's, and usually have my fellow employees giggling while they work. I bring a lot of energy to any job I do, and can back it up with customer service know-how and a Bachelor degree to boot.

What makes you so passionate about public health?
I, like many people, have had a number of family members pass away from preventable diseases, and have seen first hand the toll this takes on the family member and those around them as they are cared for in their final stages. It's heartbreaking. I want to limit this happening to more people, but I feel like we are fighting an uphill battle, with very strong messages encouraging the population to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as consumption of high energy low nutrient foods, binge drinking, body-shaming, smoking, anti-immunisation etc etc etc. We need public health. And I can deliver it.

What is your porn star name?
Blackie Comadai...uh....yeah. Are you allowed to ask that in an interview?

Strengths? Weaknesses?
I am a very hard worker, and I do it all with a smile on my face. This also means I take work home with me and bore the people around me with details they simply don't care about, while I continue to stress out about it in my head. I also have a weakness for wizz fizz cones and cheese and bacon balls.

Tell us something embarrassing about yourself
How much time have you got? Every year, I host a Eurovision party because I LOVE IT. I also hosted a Bachelor final episode party where we wore Bachelor masks. I also wear Star Wars t-shirts out in public because I am a proud geek (Happy May the 4th y'all).

Do you have more questions for me, good people of the internet? Hit me up on the Contact Me button to find out more!

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