August 03, 2015

How's the job hunt going? (and look, I'm famous!)

The question loved and loathed by job seekers everywhere!

First off though - That Sugar Film - I still haven't watched it - I tried to watch it after I cooked dinner for my family last night and was greeted with 'What, are we at school?', and we watched Guardians of the Galaxy instead, which is excellent, obviously, but has little to do with Public Health. So, let's aim for next week on that one!

And the job search,

Well, I'm still hunting! I'm very excited about the position I am applying for this week and have high hopes for it, and I continue to bust my ass working my two jobs (last week around 50 hours!), including my retail job where last week, I was in Bendigo for two days, opening a new store with the good people from Head Office (and staying overnight and being fed on the house, I might add!)

Thats me, third from the right! Legend that I am.

At a rough count, I have applied for around 16 jobs since the start of the year.That might not sound like a lot, but it needs to be remembered that there is not a lot of jobs in the field (I have been recommended a lot of jobs which have been a long way removed from my field. This has been less helpful), and that it works out to be about one a fortnight - which when you are juggling two part time jobs is just about all you can fit in! Whoever said job hunting in itself was a full time job was correct! In that same amount of time, I have had 2 interviews - so a 10% partial success rate! Both times I have received the same feedback - you were great, we loved you, but we have gone with a candidate with more experience. Sigh.

Not to be put off, because I know I can make a dent in the world of health, I am keeping on keeping on, I have put my hand up for some volunteer work at the end of the year - if I don't have a full time job - with the Cancer Council at their Skin Cancer Conference in Melbourne. I've also put my hand up for another store opening with Bonds - I have a fair few under my belt now and love the excitement of meeting and helping to train a new team. 

There is a tendency, when looking for a job - or technically, in my instance, a job in a different field to current employment - to postpone the rest of your life until 'the job thing' is sorted. I've not learnt that this simply cannot be how you run your life. Things I thought would follow once I got a job: get engaged (wait - did it last year already) get married (oh what the hell - we are doing that this year as well too!) buy new, grown up make up and learn how to use it (had to do that too, because buying more crap was a false economy), make plans for anything beyond next week (well that was just stupid). I'm now trying to live in the moment and take things as they come, and take hope in that I will eventually get there!!

Until next week bloggers. 

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